This nuts and bolts training is the most current, complete, and competitively priced program to be found anywhere within the mortgage marketplace. All of the training you will receive with this program is current. You will have unlimited access for 90 days.

Mortgage Loan Officer Self-Study Course (Online)
For those that are currently NMLS licensed or do not require licensing this course is utilized as a functional A-Z mortgage originators training platform. For those that are not yet licensed but working towards that goal, it also serves in preparing one for the general mortgage knowledge and general origination activity sections of the NMLS licensing test. Two areas where those without experience are often not properly equipped.
This 15-hour multimedia course will provide you with the knowledge you need to succeed in this very competitive industry. You will receive a sample specimen of each of the following industry forms as PDF documents with explanations and instructions covering each.
- Initial Loan Application (Form 1003)
- Wholesale Rate Sheet
- Loan Pre Qualification Worksheet
- Loan Closing Estimate
- Borrowers Home Loan Tool Kit
- Profit and Loss Statement
- Tax Analysis Worksheet
- Loan File Cover Letter
- File Stacking Order Worksheet
- Title Insurance and Lien Check Escrow/Attorney documentation
- Loan Closing Disclosure
- Underwriting and Transmittal Summary (Form 1008)
Your training includes how to use a financial calculator, structure loans, fill out the loan paperwork, read rate sheets, qualify borrowers, put a file together, an explanation of credit reports, appraisals, disclosures, all loan programs, ways to speak to borrowers and generate business, and much more! It is a complete nuts and bolts loan officer and mortgage brokers boot camp that covers everything that is left out of licensing training. You’ll be confident in your duties and responsibilities based upon complete competence by completing this full curriculum of training.
You will receive and our instruction will cover all of the above and much more.
After placing your order you will receive an email giving you details on how to view your mortgage training course, attachments, an MP3 audio version of the class, and the PowerPoint slides used in the multimedia program for immediate and unlimited single-individual use.