LOS Journal – Volume 2 Issue 35
The Furious Five (FTC Commissioners) Circa 2003. Check out the guy on the right. They don't make them that
LOS2022-08-30T07:01:47-07:00August 30th, 2022|LOS Journal|
The Furious Five (FTC Commissioners) Circa 2003. Check out the guy on the right. They don't make them that
LOS2022-08-23T05:08:54-07:00August 23rd, 2022|LOS Journal|
Correction! Last week's Journal V2I33 N58 article on appraisal risks incorrectly states - "(HPML only applies to owner-occupied and second
LOS2022-08-16T04:56:45-07:00August 16th, 2022|LOS Journal|
Fig below, new SFR construction (1000s) 1968-2021 Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? APPRAISAL SUBJECTIVITY Market
LOS2022-08-09T07:11:54-07:00August 9th, 2022|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Try your hand at a few obscure but essential laws Answers from
LOS2022-08-02T06:40:41-07:00August 2nd, 2022|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Try your hand at a few obscure but essential laws; the answers
LOS2022-07-26T07:24:08-07:00July 26th, 2022|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Try your hand at a few obscure but essential laws; the answers
LOS2022-07-19T07:01:50-07:00July 19th, 2022|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Thinking about thinking. Psych yourself up - Who are you, and how
LOS2022-07-12T05:29:40-07:00July 12th, 2022|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Regulation Z Steering Safe Harbor - Loan Shopping (Paraphrased) A transaction does
LOS2022-07-05T08:53:25-07:00July 5th, 2022|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Regulation Z Steering Safe Harbor - Loan Shopping (Paraphrased) A transaction does
LOS2022-06-28T06:22:49-07:00June 28th, 2022|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Regulation Z Steering Safe Harbor - Loan Shopping Regulation Z 12