LOS Journal – Volume 4 Issue 35
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Numerous stakeholders are in various stages of targeting First-Generation Homebuyers with federal
LOS2024-08-27T10:38:23-07:00August 27th, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Numerous stakeholders are in various stages of targeting First-Generation Homebuyers with federal
LOS2024-08-20T09:09:55-07:00August 20th, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Short-term Income for Liability Offsets An applicant's income, or income stability, can
LOS2024-08-13T08:49:56-07:00August 13th, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Applicant Complaint Nets Stakeholders In Hot Water Over Failed Reconsideration of Value
LOS2024-08-13T08:41:41-07:00August 6th, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Spotlight on Mortgage Brokers HUD Clarifies, Lenders are Culpable for Tier 1
LOS2024-07-30T08:49:22-07:00July 30th, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? FHFA Releases Data Visualization Dashboard for National Mortgage Database (NMDB®) NMDB residential
LOS2024-07-23T08:52:43-07:00July 23rd, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? The CFPB is working to reinforce the foundation of a fair, nondiscriminatory,
LOS2024-07-16T11:17:57-07:00July 16th, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Guard Your Customers Against Common Mortgage Scams As Natural Disaster Season Hits
LOS2024-07-09T07:38:07-07:00July 9th, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? VA "Temporary Fix" Permits Buyer Broker Charges In response to the upheaval
LOS2024-07-02T08:00:19-07:00July 2nd, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? HUD celebrates June as the 22nd Annual National Homeownership Month Significant HUD
LOS2024-06-25T08:26:41-07:00June 25th, 2024|LOS Journal|
Why Haven't Loan Officers Been Told These Facts? Underwriting Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) The